Monday, May 13, 2013


     You've all probably heard the cliché in the title before. The phrase refers to the seemingly unending wait that comes before a major event. This phrase fits my mood perfectly right now. The only way it could be better is if it read, "The calm BETWEEN the storms," since I just hectically finished taking my finals at the end of my second year of college, and now await the day when I leave to go to my first ever Summer Leadership Project (SLP). 

     I would be lying if I said I weren't nervous. SLP isn't just any church camp where I get to go have a good time, show off how far I can throw a football, make an appearance at the "churchy" events, and be on my merry way back home where I jump back into the same lifestyle I had before. This trip, from what I have heard and witnessed, will be much different. Those "churchy" situations aren't going to be some side note, but instead, learning how to follow Jesus and be completely overwhelmed by his amazing love for me is THE REASON for me going to SLP. This will be no cake walk. In Luke 10, Jesus sends out 72 disciples to go and share the gospel to cities around the area. As he was sending them off, he said, "Go your way; behold, I am sending you out as lambs in the midst of wolves." (Luke 10: 3) 

     Many people have asked me why I am going to PCB (Panama City Beach) for a trip to grow in my faith. PCB isn't really known for it's love for the gospel, but as a place for partying. The previous passage mentioned in Luke answers that question. We are not called only to the easy places where we can live in comfort (don't get me wrong, those places are important too), but we are called to step out and take risks and be in situations that we would have no chance to get through without having to completely trust in the sovereignty of God. That is exactly why PCB is perfect. This trip will not be easy, but it's in the hard places where God really gets to flex his muscle (2 Cor. 12:7-10).

     While in PCB, I will have a job, be living in a room with multiple guys, and will learn how to manage my time and money wisely. This is all part of the real world experience of SLP. We will not be cut off from the world, but will be living right in the middle of it. God will be pushing me to my limits both physically and mentally in everyday life. 

     As nervous as I am about how tough SLP will be, I'm excited for the growth and knowledge that can come from it. It's going to be 9 weeks of gospel, reality checks, work, and love with about 100 of my brothers and sisters all pursuing the same thing I am. SLP will definitely be a storm of sorts.

     If you are wanting to support my trip whether through prayers or monetarily, you can reach me at my email: or send mail to 791 Downing Street, Macon, Ga 31204. I am beyond grateful for all of your love and support, and can't wait to let you know how this trip goes.

     To finish my first blog post, I also ask all who read to pray continuously through this summer. Please pray for me and those going with me to constantly grow in dependence in our Savior, Christ Jesus and for us to be stitched together in the love given to us. Please tell me how I may pray for you as well! 

With much love,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stewart, I will be praying! God bless you and your brothers and sisters. What a privilege and a blessing. I pray you would have eyes, heart and ears wide open throughout this whole experience. And rest, I'm sure you will need that too :-)
Love Kim (in SD)